Participation of the population in the administration of justice in the Russian Truth

  • Омельяненко Мария Евгеньевна

    Omelyanenko M.E. - Arbitration Court of Primorsky Region. Vladivostok. Russia


This article is devoted to the study of the norms of the Russian Truth that regulate the participation of the population in the administration of justice. Russian Truth belongs to the number of the largest legal works of the Middle Ages, it is the oldest monument of Slavic law, entirely based on the customs and jurisprudence of the Eastern Slavs. For several centuries it served as the main guide for dealing with cases. In one form or
another, Russian Truth became part of, or served as one of the sources in the development of such legal acts as the Pskov Judicial Charter, the Dvinskaya Charter, the Code of Laws of 1497 and 1550, and even some articles of the Soborniy Ulozhenie of 1649 The article describes the forms of participation of the population in the administration of justice. This study was conducted using general methodological principles of cognition,
such as: objectivity, systemic, dialectical counter-speech. When analyzing the texts of the lists of the Russian Truth, the methods of hermeneutics and formal logic were used.

Keywords: Russian Truth, court of 12 people, vidok, lieutenant, obedience, round robbery, wild or general
vira, zalich, track persecution, arch.